The "Franck BONNETAIN" prize of € 1000 for an oral communication on the theme of cancer was awarded during the EPICLIN congress.
Introductory speech by Pr Simone MATHOULIN-PELISSIER.
Award goes to Caroline ROSSONI (Villejuif) for her work on "Phase I / II platform trial design in pediatric cancer in relapsed"

Sophie Paget-Bailly is a research engineer in epidemiology and clinical research. She passed with honours the East of France inter-region master’s degree in public health and occupational and environmental risks. During the master’s degree’s internship in the Interregional Epidemiology Unit of Bourgogne/Franche-Comté, she realized a quantitative health risk assessment in the context of chemical contamination of groundwater. She defended a PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology in Paris XI University, Doctoral School 420, working in the Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health in Villejuif, France. Her PhD research focused on occupational exposures and head and neck cancer.